Category Archives for "Flights"

Getting the Bump: Benefitting from Overbooked Flights

Greg Jackson is a teacher who loves to travel.  But how can he afford to go on trips when his only breaks happen during the high season--the most expensive times of the year to travel?  In this guest post, Greg shares one of his secrets with us.   Next time you fly, implement some of these strategies and you may end up putting some cash in your pocket!  Take it away, Greg!

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3 Strategies for Cheap Airfare

Sometimes my readers write to me with travel-related questions. I always do my best to help out, and thought I’d share some of the questions and answers here in my blog posts. I hope you find them helpful! Feel free to add pointers of your own in the comments below, or ask me anything about travel. Who knows, maybe your question will be featured in a future blog post?

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How To: Earn Frequent Flyer Miles

I have literally flown all over the world on Frequent Flyer Miles, including to Benin (in West Africa), France, Ecuador, Mexico, Hawaii, and all over the continental U.S.  I have also used my miles to get plane tickets for friends and family members.  When I went to Ecuador, I had enough miles for two other people.  I got their tickets for them, and in exchange they covered some of my expenses for a trip to the Galapagos Islands.  As a result, I spent a mere $600 for two weeks on the islands, which are notoriously expensive!    Continue reading